This site runs Weblate for translating the software projects listed below. You need to be signed in to translate, otherwise you can only make suggestions.

Project Translated Unfinished Unfinished words Unfinished characters Untranslated Checks Suggestions Comments
Baobab 99% 2 8 64 2 128 1 0
Files 99% 81 888 5,181 39 1,304 0 0
gnome-control-center 91% 4,961 23,807 156,247 4,781 1,475 0 0
gnome-logs 88% 127 412 2,253 3 189 0 0
gnome-online-accounts 86% 183 963 6,202 146 104 0 0
gnome-shell 93% 740 5,004 30,857 734 375 0 0
gnome-terminal 92% 722 5,008 30,254 674 393 0 0

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